Expat Services

Studio 61 Wealth Management Ltd provides services for UK citizens living abroad and for people who may be resident in another country, but who have assets in UK. We can provide advice on managing and accessing pension and other investment accounts in UK and how the assets might be treated for tax purposes in UK and in certain other jurisdictions.

Studio 61 Wealth Management Ltd can provide advice on any of the following account types.

  • UK pensions, including personal pensions and certain types of corporate pensions
  • UK ISA accounts
  • Any UK stockbroking account
  • Provide advice on and arrange funding for mortgages designed for expats secured on UK property
  • Qualifying Regulated Overseas Pensions – QROPS
  • Qualifying Non-UK Pension Scheme – QNUPS
  • Offshore bonds based on Isle of Man or Channel Islands and other jurisdictions by arrangement.
  • Life and health insurance for expats

Studio 61 Wealth Management Ltd can organise an investment strategy for any value that sits inside any of the account structures listed above to suite your personal circumstances and objectives.

Qualifying Regulated Overseas Pensions – QROPS

QROPs can be useful for expats people living abroad who currently have UK pension assets, which have received UK tax-relief and who are looking to take benefits from a UK pension, whilst remaining abroad.

Qualifying Non-UK Pension Scheme – QNUPS

QNUPS are useful for expats who want to start a savings plan with rules that are similar to a UK pension, but who don’t not qualify for UK pension allowances.

QNUPS are also useful for anyone based in UK who cannot access UK pension allowances.

Offshore bonds

Offshore bonds are useful for UK expats looking to save money with certain taxes deferred. Bonds also allow withdrawals up to 5% per year without creating an income tax liability and there are no age limits for withdrawals as there are with QNUPS and QROPS.