Financial Planning

Our financial planning service works under two scenarios

You can engage Studio 61 Wealth Management Ltd as part of an ongoing service or as a single piece of advice.

Ongoing service

If you decide to take an ongoing service from us the financial planning element of the service is included in the price paid for the ongoing service.

Please contact us for a copy of our standard client agreement, which describes the type of service you can expect if you choose an ongoing service.

The list below shows the elements of a financial plan.

Single piece of advice

If you want a financial plan created separately for you as a one-off task the tasks would be defined and a price quoted for the agreed tasks.

The list below covers the main elements of a financial plan.

  • Analysis of personal circumstances.
  • Analysis of income and expenditure.
  • Analysis of assets and liabilities.
  • Analysis of costs of running investments.
  • Analysis of current insurance and potential insurance needs.
  • Record how assets are held.
  • Define financial goals.
  • Future projections based on agreed assumptions.
  • Recommendations for action.

If we recommend any action you can implement the actions yourself or engage us to do the work. We will provide quotes for any implementation work.

If you wish to review progress against your plan you can ask us to do this as a single task.

Please Contact us for more information